Training Courses
We offer a range of shorter and longer courses in Access to Information legislation. The most popular are the Introduction to FOI for Decision-makers, a one-day course, and Advanced FOI, also a one-day course. Many people undertake the training as a combined two-day programme. All our courses are highly interactive and are designed around the needs of participants. Courses may also be provided in-house to suit specific agency needs. Courses are tailored to each jurisdiction and deal with the requirements of the relevant legislation (eg: RTI in Queensland and GI(PA) in NSW).
The next course dates are:
Sydney: March 20 and 21: "Introduction to GI(PA)" and "Advanced GI(PA)" - Rydges Parramatta (click to download the brochure)
Darwin: the 2-day course "FOI for Decision Makers" is on March 31-April 1 2025, and "FOI for Senior Managers" is on April 3. Please send email or contact the Information Commissioner to express interest.
If you are interested in more details about the training courses, or would like to register your interest in the next public courses or in-house training courses, please e-mail using the link above.
Feedback from course participants is consistently very positive, citing Megan's wealth of knowledge, presentation style and practical examples as particular strengths. Extracts from recent course evaluations can be found here.
In brief, the course outlines are:
Introduction to FOI / RTI / GI(PA)
Objectives of the legislation
Procedures for dealing with an application for access or amendment
Consultation with applicant
Consultation with third parties
Internal and external review processes
Decision Making: Public interest and exemption provisions
Advanced FOI / RTI / GI(PA)
Discussion of key terms: public interest, harm tests
Detailed analysis and case studies of exemption provisions
- including breach of confidence, legal privilege, deliberative process, personal information -
Discussion of key Tribunal / Information Commissioner / court decisions
We also provide a number of shorter specialised courses.
Preparing Documents for Release
Clarifying scope and terms of application
Developing search strategies
Organising information collated from various sources, including registered files, electronic documents and email
Physical presentation of documents, including editing of documents
Preparing decision schedules
The Review Process
The role and responsiblities of the internal reviewer
Principles of sound decision making
Sufficiency of search
Drafting statement of reasons
External review processes
Understanding Your Responsibilities: Access to Information, Privacy and Records Management for Managers
The manager's role and responsiblities
Overview of procedures for access and amendment
Definition of "record" and search strategies
Overview of exemption provisions
Public interest issues in release of information
Information Privacy Principles
Penalties for mishandling information
Access to Information, Records Management , Privacy and Code of Conduct (for all staff)
Staff roles and responsibilities in
records management (including email issues)
privacy and
access to information
Code of Conduct:
purpose and principles of the code
ethical decision making
conflicts of interest
gifts and benefits
use of agency resources