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FOI Consulting

Offering a range of services, specialising in training and consulting in Freedom of Information and Human Resources.


Welcome to my Freedom of Information (FOI) pages, where you will find helpful information for FOI practitioners. For example, there are comparative tables showing analogous provisions in Australian FOI legislation to assist in searching for precedents in other jurisdictions. Over time this will be expanded to cover the major English-speaking FOI jurisdictions internationally, with direct links to the legislative source. The links page lists FOI sites around the world. The training page gives details of upcoming FOI training courses.


FOI practitioners (people who handle FOI matters professionally, in or out of government) are iinvited to e-mail me with comments or questions at any time.


As noted on the "what's new?" page, change is underway in several Australian FOI regimes. My Queensland course materials have been rewritten to support decision-makers in applying the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTIA), which commenced on 1 July 2009.


For New South Wales, I have rewritten my two-day FOI course to cover the requirements of the Government Information (Public Access) Act (GI(PA)), which commenced on 1 July 2010. For the brochure for the next GIPA courses, click on Training Courses at left.


Tasmania's new Right to Information Act also commenced on 1 July 2010. I have also provided training in the reforms to the federal FOI Act, which came into effect on 1 November 2010 and May 2011.


If you are reading this page because you are planning to make an FOI request, see my page for members of the general public. It now includes a list of specific links for FOI requesters in Australia. I hope it will set you on the road to finding the specific person or organisation who can answer your questions.


Megan Carter



Information Consultants Pty Ltd was established in 1998.


It offers a range of services, specialising in training and consulting in Freedom Of Information (FOI) and Human Resources.


Megan Carter, Director of the company, has been working in the field of FOI since 1981, and in human resources since 1986. She is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow with the Constitution Unit at University College London.

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Training Courses

We offer a range of shorter and longer courses in Access to Information legislation. The most popular are the Introduction to FOI for Decision-makers, a one-day course, and Advanced FOI, also a one-day course. Many people undertake the training as a combined two-day programme. All our courses are highly interactive and are designed around the needs of participants. Courses may also be provided in-house to suit specific agency needs. Courses are tailored to each jurisdiction and deal with the requirements of the relevant legislation (eg: RTI in Queensland and GI(PA) in NSW).

MARCH 20 & 21 2025

Rydges Parramatta

March 31 - April 1 2025

​3 april 2025

"Introduction to GI(PA)" and 

​"Advanced GI(PA)"​

(Click to download the brochure)

2 Day Course

"FOI for Decision Makers"​

Please send email or contact the Office of the Information Commissioner to express interest.

​"FOI for Senior Managers"

Please send email or contact the Office of the Information Commissioner to express interest.



As part of the consultation process, submissions were sought on the proposed legislation, most of which are available online. My submissions to the review processes are available by clicking on the following links:



A partial list of current and former clients, organised by country, includes the following.



AusAID/GRM International (Delegation of MPs from South Africa, FOI Study Tour)
Australian Broadcasting Authority
Bellingen Shire Council
Blue Mountains Shire Council
BlueScope Lysaght (div of BlueScope Steel)
BOC Gases Australia / New Zealand
Blacktown City Council
Brisbane City Council
Byron Shire Council
Department of the Chief Minister (Northern Territory)
Department of Education (NSW)
Department of Education (NT)
Department of Family and Community Services (NSW)
Department of Communities (QLD)
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
Department of Land Resource Management (NT)
Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment (NT)
Department of Local Government, Housing & Sport (NT)
Department of Justice and the Attorney-General (QLD)
Department of Justice (NT)
Department of Planning (NSW)
Endeavour Energy
Maitland City Council
NT Electoral Commission
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Office of the Information Commissioner (NT)
Office of the Information Commissioner (QLD)
Premier's Department (Tasmania)
Queensland Education Department
Queensland Health and Regional Health Authorities
Queensland Racing Limited
South Eastern Sydney Area Health Service (NSW)
Special Broadcasting Service
University of Newcastle
Western Downs Regional Council
Wingecarribee Shire Council


Cabinet Office


Cabinet Office


EU-China Information Society Project


Area Health Boards
Department of Finance
Department of Health and Children
Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs
Dublin Corporation
Health Services Executive
Institute of Public Administration
Local Government Management Services Board
Office of the Information Commissioner
Trinity College Dublin
University College Cork
University College Dublin
University College Galway


British Broadcasting Corporation
Eastern Health and Social Service Board, Belfast
Edinburgh University
House of Commons
The Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government (IDeA)
NHS University
University College London

"Absolutely wonderful. Megan, you are the best trainer I have encountered. I really enjoyed your course and will recommend you highly."
"One of the best courses I’ve ever been on. Megan is a great trainer – very engaging and enthusiastic and always explains concepts clearly."
"Presenter was extremely passionate about the topic, her exceptional knowledge and ability to communicate an otherwise ‘dry topic’ made it very interesting and easy to understand."

Get in Touch​



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